ADHD Coaching

Are you a business leader, owner or entrepreneur with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) trying to understand and manage your ADHD symptoms in the workplace? Or are you a HR professional wanting to support employees within your business. Our tailored coaching programmes and task based ADHD coaching have been developed for you and are delivered by Graham, who himself lives with the condition. We can provide the tools necessary to improve focus, productivity, and communication for high achieving professionals struggling with their ADHD challenges, along with invaluable insights and strategies for exploring the unique deficits and strengths associated with the disorder.

Our approach is collaborative in nature, helping each client create an individualised coaching program suited to their needs. The sessions are filled with brain mapping activities that help each of our clients better understand their thought patterns, contextualise them within new ways of thinking about behaviour and gain deeper insights into self-reflection. 

Learn more on how you can use Access To Work to apply for Government Support to pay for your ADHD coaching below.

Our ADHD Coaching Specialist

I have been an Executive coach for 15 years, but it was only after my ADHD diagnosis in January 2022 that I decided to become an ADHD coach. I saw the potential to blend the two disciplines together and help business leaders and entrepreneurs take control of their working lives and manage the challenges that ADHD brings. If you are a business leader, owner, entrepreneur, or HR professional looking to support a team member with ADHD, or if you need support for yourself, book a free consultation with me today and let's explore if coaching is right for you.

Book an appointment.

It’s likely you will have some questions to ask Graham, please feel free to book in for a free virtual telephone call below.